Intelerad’s Cloud VNA Solution

Intelerad’s cloud VNA, InteleShare VNA, creates a centralized repository of images regardless of modality, source, or file type. It serves as a single source of truth where clinicians can effortlessly retrieve and utilize data. 

Illustration of a focused woman wearing a lab coat, working on a laptop at a desk with documents and a potted plant nearby.

Why a VNA?

A Vendor-Neutral Archive (VNA) can be useful for multi-site enterprise organizations that manage multiple PACS or other third-party systems like RIS or EHR. A VNA serves to unite imaging data from disparate systems and modality types so your team can easily access comprehensive patient data.  

In case of a breach, VNAs can also be used as a redundancy for stored data from your PACS for rapid restoration. 

Two healthcare professionals reviewing cardiology information on a tablet with engagement and focus.
A healthcare professional reviews a digital chart while a patient undergoes an mri scan.

Why the Cloud?

Scalability, savings, and security. The cloud offers unparalleled flexibility to scale with your needs without the significant overhead associated with expanding on-site storage. With security features standard in cloud architecture, you can rest easy knowing your data is protected.  


Schedule a Demo

Discover how InteleShare can simplify the way your providers and patients access imaging data. With additional features to streamline workflows, InteleShare enhances the patient care experience for all. Contact us to learn more or book a demo to see these functionalities firsthand. 

Boost Your Workplace Efficiency

For more information, reach out with questions or request a demo to see how Intelerad’s cloud VNA solution can simplify your data management and provide rapid and secure access to patient imaging. 

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