The Future of Enterprise Imaging for Radiology

August 4, 2021

In a progressively complex digital healthcare ecosystem, the pursuit of an enterprise image management strategy can feel somewhat daunting. Intelerad is pleased to introduce a new white paper “From Isolated Archive to Connected Hub: The Evolution of Enterprise Imaging” that will help you get started and guide your journey.

Knowing the benefits of leveraging your electronic medical records (EHR) investment and making real-time intelligence possible—including growth, physician satisfaction, and better patient care—is key. You also want the latest research on the technology and market trends in EI that will impact healthcare.

This white paper outlines five pillars to consider when building your organization’s EI strategy:

  • Interoperability: Ensure that your solutions are vendor-neutral and work with existing systems, including Epic/Cerner EHRs.
  • Comprehensive Diagnostic Viewing: Solutions must satisfy the required depth and breadth of each department or subspecialty.
  • Autonomy and Flexibility: Because charting the right course is different for every institution, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
  • Cloud-Enabled: Get automated upgrades, better disaster recovery, and scalability while decreasing cost and complexity.
  • Augmented Intelligence: As machine learning matures and evolves into a core supporting healthcare technology, what do you need to know?

Download From Isolated Archive to Connected Hub: The Evolution of Enterprise Imaging free today.